Battling Phone Quality Loss as Business Grows—Scalable Internet Service
It happens to all businesses not equipped with a scalable internet service. As we grow our team, the need for faster internet speeds becomes more apparent.
It can start with simple things like an app not working the way it used to or a general slowing down of work. It is especially obvious when larger teams are involved and rely on heavy data usage. Mix in multiple devices per user, and those managing phone communications begin to see dropped calls left and right.
Signs of a Slow Internet Service
Experiencing Continual Buffering?
Businesses that rely on video communications need a faster internet service when buffering and signal delay become ever-more present in their meetings.
Putting an entire team through a difficult conference experience can slow your performance and can ruin the entire agenda.
If you experience a continuous loss of video or audio during your video meetings, especially when the office is full, your usage may be exceeding your rate plan.

Slow Internet Service Leads to Jitter and Dropped Calls
Dropped calls are a nightmare for sales, marketing, and customer service professionals. Being difficult enough as it is to connect in the first place, reconnecting after a dropped call can often be impossible.
Equally worse is a poor signal that adversely affects voice quality. Failing to fully capture what is said and the tone in which things are said can cost a lot towards building trust with customers.
To avoid miscommunications, voice quality is important. A modern VoIP telephone relies on an internet signal, if your signal is shared with other employees, audio quality will suffer as more of you get online and begin to exceed your allotted speeds.
Users will experience jitter due to packet loss and an overall loss in audio quality when a signal is delayed.
To improve your phone service, you have to get better internet service.
Is Your Hardware to Blame for Your Slow Internet Service?
The smart hardware you own today is only as smart as the speed at which it is communicating, but it’s easy to forget that piece of equipment in the telco closet. Sometimes that new piece of hardware gets old and can no longer keep up.
Have you audited your network for older failing hardware?
Businesses that can’t take this type of risk should work with an internet service provider that can audit their existing hardware to ensure it is capable of handling heavy data use.
Managed Networks
These types of businesses often require a custom solution for their industry, one that may require some redundancy measures for assured connectivity.
These solutions allow a business to stay connected even in the case of equipment failure. Customers taking advantage of our managed network services enjoy these types of benefits.
Are you tired of dropped calls? Are you tired of the buffering?