Our friendly neighborhood ZBot just came to life. The latest iteration of our mascot design is now sporting a new 3D look. Take a look below to see ZBot like never before. We can now see how he looks from all angles.
You will be seeing ZBot sporting his new look in several of our new advertisements. Take a look below and let us know what you think of his new look.
ZBot Over the Years
Although ZBot is only a few years old, he has changed a lot over the years. He has received several updates over time.
Written by: Marco Castillo, MSGL
This article is written by Marco Castillo, Marketing Director of ZTelco Communications. Marco is a strategic content development expert and is a regular contributor to this blog. If you would like to become a guest contributor, please reach out to sales@ringplan.com with your contact information. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to get regular updates.